Third dog rescued from the bus station!
We found an adopter for the third dog in the bus station, her name is Lena Ohlsson from Sweden! Thank...
We found an adopter for the third dog in the bus station, her name is Lena Ohlsson from Sweden! Thank...
No New Years vacation for the BraveHeartRescue team so we are able to bring you GOOD NEWS: The 6 pups...
Please help us find a home for these 3 dogs who are also living in the bus station, in a...
Every morning on the way to the state shelter I meet this sweet girl in the bus station. We play...
This poor mum gave birth on a concrete floor inside the state shelter! We asked the staff to let us...
We’d like to thank Stibi’s Hundeparadies and their donors, Amanda G. and everyone on this list for your generosity. With...
Good news: We took these dogs out of the state shelter today for Amanda Bloom. One of them will be...
Update: After getting his leg treated, all the vaccines and paperwork done, our sweet baby Polo arrived at his home...
21 packs of straw have been delivered today thanks to Mirjam Trattner – the dogs will be warmer! Thank you...
We took out this beautiful boy named Odin for Gemma Blower who is going to adopt him! He’s been neutered...