The Faurei PS Horror

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We visited the state shelter in Faurei Romania – we were horrified and speechless: 343 dogs kept in a very small enclosure (120 square meters), divided in 3 kennels. Overcrowded, dirty and hungry – those poor animals are cramped together 110 dogs in a 40Sqm kennel. We’ve been told they receive 9 bags of food per day, that means 90kg for 343 dogs. They need to be taken out of this hell. Please share their story, that is NOT a shelter, it’s an extermination camp for those poor souls. We’d like to thank Mr. Mircea S. who brought us there, also Amanda G. and Mirjam T. who sponsored our trip – with your help we can tell the world what’s going on in the Faurei horror shelter. Thank you!

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